Pingalwara under the dynamic leadership of Dr Bibi Inderjit Kaur is steadily working towards the goals laid down by Bhagat Puran Singh. Progress made in the last five years is given in the subsequent paragraphs.

A museum depicting the life and works of Bhagat Puran Singh has been set up in the pingalwara complex at Amritsar.
A dispensary has been started where doctors come everyday for voluntary service and the poor people are provided free medicines. The annual expenditure on the dispensary is Rs 24,00,000/-
A clinical lab has also been set up in the Pingalwara complex for the patients.
A Vocational Training Centre has been set up where the inmates are taught various skills like chair canning, weaving, candle making, sewing and embroidery etc.

The number of inmates have almost doubled to about 650. Therefore, more wards have been added in the present complex.
All the wards have ben fitted with Solar Water Heating system. A total of Rs 11,80,00/- have been spent on this project. This is as per the guidelines laid by Bhagat Puran Singh to save as much electricity as possible.
Specially trained staff of pharmacist, staff nurses, lab technicians etc. has been appointed for the specific needs of the mentally retarded patients. This has resulted in a large number of patients making a complete recovery and joining the main stream of life.
Pingalwara needs blood for many patients received with injuries and fractured bones. This problem has been solved with the help of Blood Donation camps organised every year on the eve of Bhagat Puran Singh’s death anniversary. Bhai Ranjit Singh, Jathedar Akal Takhat Sahib, inagurated the first camp by donating blood.

Bhagat ji wanted everyone to care for the environment. Keeping this in view, literature on various environmental. Social and economic issues is distributed freely to the general public.
A Trauma Van has been acquired to provide aid to the accident victims.
A fully equipped OT has been made available to save on the time and money.
22 girls who have been brought up and nurtured by Pingalwara have found marital bliss under the patronage of Pingalwara.
Special attention is being paid to the individual requirements of the mentally retarded children. A separate school is being planned for them.
A school is being run in the slum area of Amritsar wher free education, books, stationery etc are provided to the children.
Many poor children other than the inmates are being provided with books and financial aid.

Medicines for T.B and other such diseases are provided free of cost to the poor patients.
All the wards have been provided with Audio Decks to listen to Gurbani.
Modern office equipment like FAX, Computer , photostat have been acquired to improve efficiency.
Children and inmates of Pingalwara has brought laurels to the institution by winning various shields on academic and religious studies.
During the past one year, 97 patients made complete recovery and since been reunited with their families.